Sound applet update
Posted: 27 November 2006 Filed under: Sound, Undergrad | Tags: sound, Undergrad Leave a commentBeen a bit quiet reporting on this but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been beavering away in the background. I’ve been working thru’ MSP tutorials and found them a bit heavy going but I’ve found some examples that other people have made and have been de-constructing them and that’s helped a lot. I’ve just ordered a Griffin iMic so that I can rig up a microphone. I’ve been using my windoze laptop coz it’s got a mic socket but with the way it overheats, it might be considered a fire risk if I take it in. A couple of years ago, a German guy (can’t remember his name, maybe Dan does) came in with a gas filled balloon that you squeezed to produce sounds. Not those sort of sounds, electronic sounds I meant. Anyway, he told us at the time that he wanted to record street sounds and with the balloon play them back but obviously distorted. Not sure why, but I’ve always remembered this as quite a cool thing to do and the sound applet might be a good thing to attempt it with.
The electronics side is going ok. I’ve ordered 10 tilt switches after Dan gave me some advice on making an array with them and they should be here in the next couple of days. Biggest problem I’ve got is with the tube. The Pringles empty from our away-day is too wide. I saw something at B&Q the other day but dismissed it as being too narrow but now I think it’ll do the job. Wonder if they do NUS discount?