Women in computing

This is a very interesting article on how programming was initially perceived as ‘women’s work’. The quote from Grace Hopper liking it to planning dinner seems a bit condecending to me.


I wonder who said this….

‘every time my phone rings I hope its you, but in my heart I know it never will be, coz even if I need you.. you don’t need me’


This is a nice piece of HTML5, fantastic integration of Facebook, Twitter and webcam. It’s interesting that most of the good pieces of HTML5 all seem to be used for music promotions. Anyways, give it a look – http://sour-mirror.jp/

Scroll clock

Nice to see Mootools used in such a creative manner – http://toki-woki.net/p/scroll-clock/

Kinetic drivers created.

According to geek.com drivers for the Kinect have been made using Linux and OpenGL. The full article can be read here

The Wilderness Downtown

This site asks you to enter the full address of where you grew up and then plays a video which incorporates images of the street. From a technology view point it’s an incredible feat of engineering but from an emotional point of view it’s really quite clever and subtle. As a boy I can remember running home coz I was late for my tea and that immediately jumped into my mind with the imagery. Does that now mean every time I hear the track I will be transported back to my childhood? That’s quite clever, subtle and manipulative if that was the intention……I still love it though 🙂



As part of Roy Ascott’s LPDT 2 for indaf, I provided the AI interface that people could SMS and then their original message and the AI’s response were posted into Second Life. You can read more about the piece here – http://www.indaf.org/e_sub02_02.asp

Craftivism workshop

As part of the Craftivism project at the Arnolfini, I’m taking part in a workshop with GOTO10 called /mode + v noise. Using Python and Supercollider, we’re gonna be making our own software sound synthesiser and chat bots that will be used to manipulate and turn chat on an IRC channel into a music score.

Random hacks of kindness

Google, Microsoft and Yahoo put aside their differences to build tools for emergency workers – http://news.cnet.com/8301-27080_3-10398073-245.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20. The site for the project is here.

Oh yes!!!!

Found out today that I passed and am now an MSc. So to celebrate a quick trip to Mr Bun was called for.

Buns and coffee